Desktop Search Applications
Let’s say you are looking for any computer file on your laptop or desktop. Yes, the first thing you would do if you use a computer with Windows as its operating system, would be to use Windows Search to locate the file mostly sound and text files, images and videos.
However, this is only the basic function of a desktop search app as not only do these apps look for files mentioned above but are designed to look for information such as web browser histories and email archives.
So, if you’re interested in using a desktop search app, here are three options that could work for you:
1) Google Desktop
One of the best search apps that is available across popular platforms such as Windows, Mac and Linux. What validates its functionality is that Google, its creator, has revolutionized the internet with a similar ‘search’ product.
2) Locate32
Known to only index files based on file name and location, it still remains a popular desktop search app because it performs the search very quickly as well as leaves a tiny memory footprint. Even though it might not be suitable for deep searches, compared to other app this one doesn’t need a lot to index and search for file.
3) Copernic Desktop Search
Even though this search app isn’t backed by any large corporation like Microsoft and Google, it seems to be the most popular choice amongst personal users with it being offered free for personal use. Not only does it index every file on your desktop but it allows you to see the file, by its ‘Preview’ function.